Yes, winter is upon us, but that didn't stop this Cali girl from shining for the camera! Although she was used to living under the Californian sun, you can see that she became fashionably ready for the East Coast life.

Rae posed perfectly for the shoot. She took direction very well, and even added her own unique creativity! Her mother informed me that Rae couldn't wait to show off her hat, b/c it reminded her of Michael Jackson :-)

After meeting her beautiful parents, it was no surprise to see how she acquired such an exquisite and vivacious personality. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them.

It can't be easy moving to a new place, but the family is adjusting well. I felt honored to be a part of their Christmas memories as they use the photos to share with their families back home.

It was a pleasure meeting you all. Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy the East Coast!
L.J. :-)